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Contributor: mrfe

4.75 Kb

Generates reflections from a mirrorball using camera normal pass or loaded geo

12 Jun 2015
Contributor: scottcoates

42.68 Kb

S_Volume_ is a 2.5D card based volume box generator that takes a read node as it's input. The gizmo outputs a scene node that can be plugged into a scanline renderer. You can also set random rotation / scaling parameters and noise based distortion that can be developed using parameters in the UI.

07 Mar 2015
Contributor: masahiro.teraoka

22.22 Kb

You can get the transformation data in alembic with this gizmo. This gizmo needs pyAlembic. http://docs.alembic.io/python/index.html

02 Nov 2014
Contributor: masahiro.teraoka

3.97 Kb

Covert 'camera tracking' to 'object tracking'

23 Oct 2014
Contributor: malu05

4.64 Kb

Turn any Geometry into a pointcloud.

04 Jun 2014
Contributor: taranis

2.52 Kb

Here is a camera with target simpler than the previous version. The target is included in the default camera and can be easily disable to recover the free camera

30 Mar 2014
Contributor: Tomas

63.54 Kb

Create a 3D fog

11 Feb 2014
Contributor: lookin

8.94 Kb

Create specular copy of the main Camera respect of a card(mirror plane) to produce mirror reflections.

31 Oct 2013
Contributor: stephenwong

3.89 Kb

The SW_CameraShake3D gizmo is a Camera node with a 'CameraShake' tab that allows you to adjust the amplitude, rotation, frequency and octave in 3D space.

20 Oct 2013
Contributor: stephenwong

2.42 Kb

SW_Target Camera

20 Oct 2013
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