7.14 Kb
Transfer 2D reposition information to camera. Maximize the usage of CG rendering with proper framing.
5.30 Kb
Project a Lat Long still image or image sequence onto any geometry in the scene
7.45 Kb
the 3D masks takes any xyz / position / normals pass and outputs a mask. You have the option of different shapes and you can also rotate them. I use this one a lot for color correcting or depth effects on 3D images.
4.09 Kb
Camera, scene, lights, scanline render, axis, card & transform geo nodes ready to go!
23.75 Kb
Render a pref pass with your geo and cam inside nuke.
31.49 Kb
Manage your uvs and export it, especially when you have all of them in different coordinates. It is very useful when you need to find where is your uv desired if you use the position mask option. Export the uvs prepared for render and projections, taking all the range, only the coordinates where you have uvs, or only one uv.
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AE_Geo_to_EXR converts a Geometry to an RGB EXR file, and another tool inside this script called 'AE_EXR_to_Points' read that EXR file as a PointCloud in nuke.
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You can get the transformation data in alembic with this gizmo. This gizmo needs pyAlembic. http://docs.alembic.io/python/index.html
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Converts the alpha channel to an obj. Useful for creating 3d smoke or text. Only creates geometry where alpha>0. This makes it smaller/faster to handle, and easier to use in 3d space. Enables you to mirror the back to make a solid object
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Simple Translucency (fake SSS) shader.