1.34 Kb
This is a pretty handy gizmo to measure the distance between two 3D objects whether its an axis, camera or geometry. Originally built to control focus plane in 2d DOF or the cameras focus point with an axis! enjoy. fp

18.57 Kb
Smart, better and faster Reconcile3D node.

6.39 Kb
A quick and dirty camera tracker. Converts a single track into a 3D move.

19.64 Kb
3D Axis geometry for testing camera tracking / match move

4.08 Kb
Create parent child relations between a parent axis and a child axis or camera.

14.87 Kb
Cones for testing camera tracking points

7.43 Kb
Gizmo holds animation of the camera for the specified frame. Usefull for Camera Projection

5.70 Kb
This gizmo corvert a 3d data to 2d position, create AE keyframe data. to work with Optical Flares.