in_3dMirror v1.2

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Contributor: Luca Mignardi
Create specular copy of the main Camera respect of a card(mirror plane) to produce mirror reflections.
7.0, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
31 Oct 2013

in_3dMirror produce mirror reflections creating specular copy of the main Nuke Camera respect to one card plane (Mirror surface).

Also have fresnel control of the reflections. 

in-3dMirror preview2




30-10-2013 - v1.2 - Update - Knowing issues

- Obstructing object have to be divided from the main scene

- In particular situation of rotation of the camera and cardmirror the maths in broken

24-02-2013 - v1.1 - Update - Knowing issues

- Obstructing object have to be divided from the main scene

- Camera and CardMirror have to be connected directly to in_3dMirror node without any points (FIXED)

- CardMirror and Camera need to have the same name of the example script (FIXED)

- In particular situation of rotation of the camera and cardmirror the maths in broken

26-06-2012 - v1.0 - Start Release



(For any questions, comments or suggestions please email [email protected])

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0 # iMan Javaherypour 2015-09-24 07:23
Thanks for sharing this amazing gizmo!
0 # Dario Siero 2016-03-31 17:54
Amazing, thank you so much.

But when I have activated the fresnel map and I try to render, I always get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
File "", line 4, in cameraSearch
IndexError: list index out of range

I cant locate the problem...
0 # Pablo Herrera 2019-05-13 17:40
What a good idea! But it crashes everytime :(

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