13.26 Kb
The magic of the Reconcile3D in one gizmo

29.12 Kb
Allows the user to project an image onto a card with full rotation control much faster than using a full scanlineRender 3d setup with the ability to adjust rotoshapes and such after the transform has been applied. Requires NumPy.

3.73 Kb
Computes the inverse 4x4 transformation matrix for 3D objects in nuke using tcl for speed.

10.26 Kb
A tool for creating fake volumetric smoke in Nuke.

2.90 Kb
Camera that apart from the matrix also has the Projection tab with the values from the upstream Camera that it's connected to.

922.53 Kb
Full procedural Ladybug rigged, auto textured and animated in nuke. 'Experimental'

4,279.99 Kb
'I can't believe it's not Massive!' A crowd generator for nuke.

14.45 Kb
For use with Mads Hagbarth's point render collection of tools. Allows you to project a texture onto the point cloud (useful for live action work).

11.20 Kb
Unify all the 3D transformation nodes into one single coordinate value. Snap vertex supported animation, shifted pivot, and able to export translation and rotation.

13.29 Kb
Initial intention of 'Origami' is a *just for fun* tool. Since the tool involved many setup. Then I start to build it for practical usage. It helps to build geo patch for scatter objects or form a new UV, re-build a messy wireframe photoscan geo, clone a high-end geo to low-end geo for patch or 3D reference, and also able to create interact animation. v1.2 added tangent for geo smoothness.