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Contributor: aesnakes

27.56 Kb

Edge allows you to extend the proper color out over transparent edges or areas with a lot of motionblur without eroding away the nice detail. **Updated to remove version number from file name!**

23 Jun 2019
Contributor: malu05

21.60 Kb

Silk is a creative 2d processing effect, that takes your footage and turn it into laser spaghetti.

17 Dec 2016
Contributor: alexander055

5.45 Kb

Are you annoyed from the missing arrow for the width channel in the glow node? A_glow is the glow node with the only difference that there's now the arrow for the width channel.

29 Dec 2016
Contributor: ermesermes

9.74 Kb

eFibonacciGlow is an exponential glow based upon Leonardo Fibonacci sequence of numbers.

11 Feb 2020
Contributor: faithcure

3.52 Kb

Ambient Occlusion from Images

12 Feb 2017
Contributor: Fogelstrom

14.57 Kb

For most of the glitch type effects you could need! Inlcuding tile, custom-clipping, glitch-lines, scanlines, pixels, rgb-split/chromatic abberation.

29 May 2017
Contributor: malu05

5.62 Kb

Select frequency blurring, using edge preserving algorithm.

10 Apr 2017
Contributor: jedypod

11.83 Kb

OpticalZDefocus is a physically accurate ZDefocus, which controls circle of confusion (coc) size based on lens geometry using the depth of field equation. Set your lens and film-back characteristics, your focus distance, and adjust the size of your bokeh with the aperture size, just like a real lens.

06 May 2018
Contributor: elcfx

23.62 Kb

Improve the Zdefocus guizmo with a lof of feature. Analyze Zdepth , Fix foreground blur, Auto Depth normalized , focal point help, Bake Depth animated value. Mask mode and more. Now just added the focal point , make some correction, now you able to fix the focal plane on the BG and FG defocus mask for more accurency, some minor improve for the edge fix when you defocus the Fg (simplify a bit the interface ) more user friendly

22 Nov 2017
Contributor: kkqd0298

16.58 Kb

Custom fall off profile for blurring, with 4 preset blur shapes. Independent width and height scaling.

19 Jul 2017
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