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3.04 Kb
This gizmo emulates chromatic aberration found in some lenses. Optimized to calculate quickly. * Updated to work with Nuke 12. (May not work 100% with 13) * Current version is a group (instead of a gizmo), so you can use it on the farm.
3.39 Kb
Blends the proceeding and the following frames motion-deformed into the actual frame to wipe out grain and GI light-flicker. With adjustable masking for areas with too much difference, minimizing visible artifacts. Should work with Nuke 6.x too.
12.81 Kb
Adds exponentially-increasing blurs together to produce a more optically-correct, natural glow.
14.74 Kb
Like bm_OpticalGlow, this adds exponentially-increasing blurs together to produce a more optically-correct, natural lightwrap.
8.63 Kb
Applies an effect similar to a TV interference
18.27 Kb
A more organic glow than Nuke's built-in filter.