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6.21 Kb
Create a quick mask for your rim light using the matrix node
5.74 Kb
Simple, fast image deconvolution using a single-pass Wiener filter
1.74 Kb
Pixelate an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and to affect the alpha or not.
11.36 Kb
This tool will help you to add spectrum in your shots. It's better than chromatic aberration because is based in all ranges of color: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red. Forget the basic chromatic aberration based in RGB. This tool works very well in shots with water or under the water. Use it with caustics and it will blow your mind. It works really well with Alexa, Phantom and better with eye fish lenses Hope you enjoy it!
2.86 Kb
Feather an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and a possible matte input.
45.22 Kb
Named after the cat's eye bokeh effect, the goal of W_CatsEye is to emulate the look of non-uniform bokeh shapes to achieve more realism.
43.46 Kb
Alternative to Directional blur. It's Comparatively very fast and Easy to use.
11.19 Kb
Extend your edges with Blur nodes become fun! Dynamic creation of 'blur-unpremult' method inside a group.
9.17 Kb
The big classic Exponential Glow, with iterations dynamic control, quality setting, squeeze value, crop and Mask input. Comp tree optimization.