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5.55 Kb
Based on Bradley Friedman's workflow this gizmo samples grain by comparing the denoised plate to the original plate.
1.73 Kb
TiltShift Blur, as the name says, is a Tilt Shift Blur gizmo.
9.71 Kb
X_Denoise is a noise reduction gizmo that can be used to repair damaged or compressed footage. It does the same function of the Nuke Denoise, but using a different algorithm that can sometimes provide better results.
3.06 Kb
An extremely simple and light weight way to create color fringing on elements. Its NOT complicated and probably not good enough to 100% match your footage. but it IS lightweight and simple! :) Only tested on Nuke 8 and 9, but should be perfectly backwards compatible
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Simple gizmo to create a near, far, or centered slice with width and falloff controls.