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3.33 Kb
Simulates realistic heat distortion or underwater effect.
5.25 Kb
Tool for Edge Matte Generation and Control
2.88 Kb
A gizmo for adding chromatic aberration to a shot
0.81 Kb
This is a simple soften filter based upon two non-concatenating transforms. setting the sliders to any fractional value between 0 and 1 will allow you to increase or decrease the soften. I find this softening produced by anti-aliasing to be more pleasing than the built-in soften node.
3.28 Kb
Remember Edge Matte need alpha.. Created in nuke 8.0 (window) Any bug please let me know.
1.62 Kb
Gizmo with which you can apply the effect to bloom.
17.38 Kb
This is a chromatic aberration gizmo to mimic the art effects produced by certain lenses. This gizmo gives you control over each channel separately (scaling of R,G,B) and many other channel offset and blur options.