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19.26 Kb
A very smooth chromatic aberration gizmo
11.64 Kb
This median filter uses a motion-vector pass to warp the frames before and the frames after to match up with the current one. The median is then taken of those selected frames to reduce flickering in noisy renders or buzzing plates. It works exactly like a 'TemporalMedian', but with the big advantage of ligning up the comparative frames to minimize blending artefacts. 7 frames are max and if you set the frames to 7, three frames before and 3 frames after the current one are considered in the calculation.
1.79 Kb
Edge organic tool will break and unshape the matte edges. good for seamless blending comp without sharp roto edge
8.39 Kb
Matrix Preloaded has a few common 3×3 matrix grids available so you dont have to remember how to create certain custom filters. Some filters apply a filter directly on the image while others are better suited as a matte to drive grades and adjust your image.
2.16 Kb
A simple tool to pull grain from your original plate and reapply it to your degrained plate.
5.19 Kb
Organic glow effect GlowLight_v1.0 by Huseyin Cay
3.21 Kb
A tool that separates frequencies to cleanup/remove details or imperfections. Handy to cleanup Skin or Metal surfaces.