LCA Zdepth v2.4
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11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 or later
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Fast help
To use the tool
First you need to set witch channel have your depth (connect the depth on the depth in input )
You can click on Set Zdepth value . (for entire sequence ), or Reference fram ( if your camera doesn't move ) (to auto set Depth far point parameter)
to set your focal point you need to click on Z normalize or Z true value (zdepth viewer). and pick the pixel with the (Focal Picker (z focus picker).
Green is all in focus , Blue is out of focus (only for the foreground) and greyscale is out of focus). for the Z true Value it would be pink and white.
Z norrmalize
Z true Value
You can also if you click on FG Defocus or Bg Defocus , use it like a mask and try to fix some issue or apply your methode too fix the little weird edge.
Bg Defocus
FG Defocus Mask
The Z mode is based on the resolution of your depth , most of the time is better to have the Depth in double resolution to avoid the edge issue ( the aliasing is not always the best solution even if it s cheeper )
so you can choose your depth resolution here (of course if the ratio is the same you can customize the depth resolution)
Render Z 1:1 depth resolution (1280*720) depth resolution Render Z 1:2 (2560*1440)
i will made a video tutorial when i will have some time.
let me know if something going wrong for you i made that tool for movie and may be it s need some adjustent for your project ( but it most of the case it s work normally.)
Z fix Edge BG-FG is a custom fix i made to try to avoid the issue when your blur somthing on the forground
you have some couple of option tlike :
Mix Z fix Edge
Z edge multiplier
Size edge fix
Blur edge
Those fix are only working when your blur something on the foreground.
Zfix edge off Z fix edge on
Z fix edge on
Disable focus help : It s too remove the color green and blue on the Z normalize view mode or the pink color on the Z true value mode
Disable premult ( you can also to fix some issue when by exemple the Fg and the Bg are render separently , if you have something blured in foreground you can by exmple merge th Bg ( remove the the alpha on the Bg) to the FG an premult the value to have better kind of mix.
Depth format
You can use this tab only if the depth pass doesn t have the same resolution that the beauty.
The output format is your project format setting.
the Depth format is your depth resolution.
I will made a video to explain how to use it , what this gizmo can do or help you on your project.
but no worries is not very important.
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