eFibonacciGlow v4.0
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eFibonacciGlow v4.0
- Quadratic, Fibonacci and Tribonacci fall-off
- shrink black/white bug fixed
- mask input added
- minor bugs fixed
eFibonacciGlow is an exponential glow based upon Leonardo Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
The exponential sequence is characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones.
This is an alternative glow gizmo to Nuke's standard glow node.
Features included:
- Choose channels
- Glow size with exponential Faloff
- Manipulate Input Luminance tolerance
- Shrink Black/White
- Effect on your footage / Effect only with possibility to merge over your footage
- Mix with original
How to install (optional)
1. Copy the folder 'eTools' in your .nuke folder (under C:/Users/...)
2. Add the following lines to your init.py file (right click and edit ) :
3. Add the following lines to your menu.py file (right click and edit ) :
toolbar = nuke.menu('Nodes')
eMenu = toolbar.addMenu('eTools', icon='eTools.png')
eMenu.addCommand('eFibonacciGlow', 'nuke.createNode('eFibonacciGlow')', icon='eFibonacciGlow.png')
But I think the last line for the menue.py should be:
eMenu.addCommand('eFibonacciGlow', lambda: nuke.createNode ('eFibonacciGlo w'), icon='eFibonacciGlow.png')
The one posted above gave me an error. And since you are not using any Nuke10 only Nodes (I guess), you can create the Gizmo for a lower version, 6 or 7 or something.
And you can take a look at the comp format, because right now the Gizmo forces the one set in the project settings, but it should adapt to the input by default :)
I'm glad you liked this Gizmo.
Thanks for the heads up! I think the problem was in the line "'nuke.createNo de('\eFibonacci Glow')'". There was an additional slash that shouldn't be there. I've corrected it in the readme.txt and updated a new 1.1 version. Everything works for me now.
The Gizmo is already working for lower version, that was a mistake during uploading! And about the comp format, the Gizmo already adapt to the input by default, there are no forces. Maybe if you are talking about the crop you could un-check "crop to format" to preserve bounding-box.
Thanks and keep compositing! ;)
I've found it right when I was working on a project that needed a good deal of glow.
Happy compositing ;)
thank you!
god bless u!
Thanks Ermes! Gonna try right away!
Whats the proper syntax to add it? Thanks
it seems that even after setting to all channels its not glowing the alpha at all. Thanks
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