Unify3DCoordinate v2.4
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video about this tool :
Solve complicated 3D transformation setup and tricky snap vertex, return in one single coordinate value.
changelog :
- added Camera3 class into detection list
- compatible with python3
- added Light3 & Axis3 class into detection list
2.2 (check the image below)
- frame range added 'current frame'option. For 1 frame calculation.
- exposed custom node class data. User can add custom node class if there has special 3D nodes.
* custom node class MUST included 'matrix' knob.
- added export axis
- mirror fix (update error message)
- uncheck calculate vertex by default
- vertex function: roll back the previous rotation but keep the new scale
- rework vertex rotate and scale equation
- added scale on vertex snap
- enhance vertex tracking
- snap vertex fixed on readgeo
v2.2 update
Basically, all nodes in circle shape (nuke default node) should be in 'non-reverse' list.
Rotation Strange
'Look at' was not my intention for this tool. It's because 'look at' need a proper setup, not just connect to 'look at' (sorry that because I saw many script not do it right). But I will make a test and make it work in any case of 'look at' soon.
for info in vertexSelection :
File "", line 181, in convertIter
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'normal'
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