TX_3DRays v1.2

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Contributor: Tomas Lefebvre
Simulate 3D volume rays.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
20 Mar 2012


This tool is working approximatively like the TX_Fog : a multiple amout of card give the illusion of volume.
This time by connecting to the input a matte corresponding to the rays in white and to the shadows in black, it will slice it to shade all the card with the correct amout of texture to simulate a volumetric light

features :
- fully adjustable shape of the volume of the rays and to their apsect
- works pretty well in stereo
- easily animatable
- nice looking volume rays



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0 # Frank Rueter 2012-03-14 20:33
any chance to get some nice screen shots?
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2012-03-15 02:36
of course, I make it quickly
0 # Insane 2012-03-15 15:16
A Screenshot of how you use it in your script would be helpfull :-)
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2012-03-15 15:34
oh sorry, there was the screenshot of the script and panel in the snapshot but it had been crop. to be continued lol
0 # Insane 2012-03-17 03:35
hm by me it doesn't work, i'm the only one?
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2012-03-17 07:48
Is there an error message or something?
What do you have when you connect a image to the node in the 3d space?
0 # Insane 2012-03-17 09:09
Yes, look:

ERROR: TX_3DRays.Cube1 .translate: Nothing is named "parent.cage_position.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Cube1 .rotate: Nothing is named "parent.cage_rotation.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Cube1 .uniform_scale: Nothing is named "parent.cage_scale.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Trans formGeo_transfo rm.translate: Nothing is named "parent.cage_position.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Trans formGeo_transfo rm.rotate: Nothing is named "parent.cage_rotation.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Trans formGeo_transfo rm.uniform_scal e: Nothing is named "parent.cage_scale.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Trans formGeo_cage.tr anslate: Nothing is named "parent.Cube1.cube.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Trans formGeo_cage.sc aling: Nothing is named "parent.Cube1.cube.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Disso lve0.which: Nothing is named "parent.opacity.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Disso lve_Z0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.decay_ZBT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampY 0.p0: Nothing is named "parent.decayYmax.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampY 0.p1: Nothing is named "parent.decayYmin.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampY 0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.decayYBT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ Y0.p0: Nothing is named "parent.decay_Ymax.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ Y0.p1: Nothing is named "parent.decay_Ymin.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ Y0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.decay_YBT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampX 0.p0: Nothing is named "parent.decayXmax.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampX 0.p1: Nothing is named "parent.decayXmin.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.RampX 0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.decayXBT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ X0.p0: Nothing is named "parent.decay_Xmax.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ X0.p1: Nothing is named "parent.decay_Xmin.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Ramp_ X0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Multi ply0.disable: Nothing is named "parent.softEdges.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.Blur0 .size: Nothing is named "parent.blurSize.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.sub_1 _Ramp_x.disable : Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.sub_2 _Ramp_x.disable : Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.sub_3 _Ramp_x.disable : Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.sub_4 _Ramp_x.disable : Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
ERROR: TX_3DRays.sub_5 _Ramp_x.disable : Nothing is named "parent.decay_X BT.L"
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2012-03-17 13:40
I see, just go to the settings and set the views to be in stereo (named L and R) and it will work.
I have fixed this but it seems that I have uploaded the wrong one. So you can just change the view's name if you want to test and monday I reupload the good file
Sorry for that
0 # Gaston Marcotti 2012-03-18 04:39
Bravo Thomas, tres cool.
(le lien vers ton site est faux)
0 # Christian Herrera 2012-03-20 03:32
This is a BEAUTIFUL effect, but I can't get it to work on my system.
I'm told that this is a Nuke 6.3 v6 Gizmo, which usually don't effect anything.
I installed Nuke 6.3 v7, still nothing.
No errors, I just get nothing. Any idea whats causing this?
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2012-03-20 04:26
Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback.
The problem was that it was made in a stereoscopic pipeline and some of the links was still looking for stereoscopic knobs... sorry for that. I have fix all those little problems and it should be OK now (I have just tested it with a simple nuke 6.3v5) and it works normally, it is uploaded and should be updated soon.
0 # Frank Rueter 2012-03-20 17:15
I just approved the upload, so have another crack at it
0 # Christian Herrera 2012-03-22 14:06
Works perfect now! Awesome gizmo, I can already think of a million uses for it. Thanks!
0 # Skyler Leong 2013-05-17 03:06
Hi can someone tell me how its work because i do exactly like what have shown on the pic above but i cant get the rays effects.....ple ase advice

0 # Christian Herrera 2013-05-17 14:30
What version of Nuke are you running?
0 # Skyler Leong 2013-05-20 06:07
Hi thanks.....i got it already....i deleted it and i download again and it works.....thank s.....
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2013-05-20 12:28
Sorry for the delay, even if everything looks fine now, do not hesitate if you have some questions
0 # Skyler Leong 2013-05-20 22:21
Hey Tomas no worries i will ask if i have any problems....thanks

0 # Skyler Leong 2013-05-21 09:11
Can someone tell me whats the use of decay?....and which one should i control to get the different length of the rays?
0 # Tomas Lefebvre 2013-05-21 10:42
Hi, the X/-X and Y/-Y decays allow you to add some feather on the outside of your rays (left/right, and front/back), and the -Z affect the transparency following the length.

You can modify the size of the rays straight in the viewer by rescaling the bounding box, and just playing with the -Z decay to adjust the feather of them

for every direction there are 2 sliders, one is the value of the end and the other one define where the falloff is starting
0 # Anima Digital 2014-04-08 07:55
It works great in nuke 7 but in nuke 8 I get this error when updating the subdivisions.
range() integer end argument expected , got float.
Is there a way to fix it in the gizmo ?
+5 # Gregory Chalenko 2014-05-20 14:16
To fix the gizmo in order to be used in Nuke 8, you need to:
1. Place it to the Node Graph
2. In the properties of the gizmo do a right-click, select "Manage User Knobs..."
3. Select the "update" item and push "Edit"
4. in the text of the script, change subdivs = thisNode['subdi visions'].value () to subdivs = int(thisNode['subdi visions'].value ())

You can also do it more easily if you open the .gizmo file in a text editor.
0 # Anima Digital 2014-08-19 08:08
thanks , that worked!!
0 # steven dinozzi 2014-07-02 15:42
Any way to update so we can get slices that are constrained facing camera / opacity fade based on distance from camera ;D thanks. Great tools!
0 # Aleh Maksimovich 2018-06-29 21:04
update don't work
0 # Bernd M 2018-12-22 16:31
everytime I press update it says:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'xpos'

and indeed nowhere in the gizmo or the update dialog is a xpos or ypos defined... Anyone?
0 # Jeremy BAZIN 2019-07-29 21:04
Subdivisions wouldn't update for me.

I updated the 3rd line in the script attached to the "update" knob.

subdivs = thisNode['subdivisions'].value()
subdivs = int(thisNode['subdivisions'].value())

and it worked !

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