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1.33 Kb
Simple vignette that will give you couple of simple and useful controls.
4.21 Kb
Uses a control channel to modify the intensity of a filter (dilate/erode, blur, defocus)
0.54 Kb
EdgeExtend 2 extend the edge of your picture.
14.22 Kb
Performs brights and darks glows as well as lightwrap in one handy tool with loads of parameters.
7.63 Kb
Rebuild existing color Channel o Channels that come with undesired aberrations, offests, bad pixels, etc.
10.16 Kb
a gizmo that you can blur or defocus image by a radial mask.You can define mask shape as well.
2.52 Kb
Brings a Finer Edge than the usual EdgeDetectWrapper
18.28 Kb
Create a kaleidoscop effect based on the AE CC_Kaleida with some additional features