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Contributor: aesnakes

8.39 Kb

Matrix Preloaded has a few common 3×3 matrix grids available so you dont have to remember how to create certain custom filters. Some filters apply a filter directly on the image while others are better suited as a matte to drive grades and adjust your image.

05 Feb 2018
Contributor: egbert

11.64 Kb

This median filter uses a motion-vector pass to warp the frames before and the frames after to match up with the current one. The median is then taken of those selected frames to reduce flickering in noisy renders or buzzing plates. It works exactly like a 'TemporalMedian', but with the big advantage of ligning up the comparative frames to minimize blending artefacts. 7 frames are max and if you set the frames to 7, three frames before and 3 frames after the current one are considered in the calculation.

24 Jan 2018
Contributor: Niccolo Barbero

688.12 Kb

DUCK is a collection of gizmos designed to help artists. Here you can find: advanced Alpha Edge, Green or Blue Killer for spill suppression,Object id keyer, advanced Luma Keyer, Smart Blur, Denoise, Skin Cleaner, Heat Vision simulation and a Night Vision (infrared) simulation.

29 Dec 2017
Contributor: alessiozambardi

19.26 Kb

A very smooth chromatic aberration gizmo

26 Jul 2017
Contributor: Jules

18.27 Kb

A more organic glow than Nuke's built-in filter.

20 Jul 2017
Contributor: kkqd0298

16.58 Kb

Custom fall off profile for blurring, with 4 preset blur shapes. Independent width and height scaling.

19 Jul 2017
Contributor: Fogelstrom

14.57 Kb

For most of the glitch type effects you could need! Inlcuding tile, custom-clipping, glitch-lines, scanlines, pixels, rgb-split/chromatic abberation.

29 May 2017
Contributor: malu05

5.62 Kb

Select frequency blurring, using edge preserving algorithm.

10 Apr 2017
Contributor: malu05

21.60 Kb

Silk is a creative 2d processing effect, that takes your footage and turn it into laser spaghetti.

17 Dec 2016
Contributor: fxtor

11.96 Kb

This is an alternative glow gizmo to Nuke's standard glow node. Features include: blending modes, glow size with more realistic-looking falloff, mask input, reformat settings, anamorphic look, color tinting, tolerance, gain, saturation, and more options to control the glow look. The glow falloff is created by exponentially increasing the blur value to create the more realistic look.

06 Aug 2016
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