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1.53 Kb
Create an highlight on your layer thanks to his alpha. You can edit the color of your highlight, his offset (x,y // + and -), his blur size and his glow size.
1.63 Kb
Works very much like the Photoshop version.
2.91 Kb
The ExponBlur blurs an image with an exponential falloff based upon an alpha.
2.53 Kb
Use this node to add camera motion blur to an element.
2.04 Kb
Blurs just color information on the image.
4.68 Kb
Removes stray pixels from the alpha channel of your matte
28.92 Kb
It provides defocus using convolution matrix with some simple shapes and also generates chromatic abberation
34.81 Kb
Push rgb pixels outwards from a matte edge.
12.76 Kb
A fast (FFT-based) approximation of brute force environment map convolution using a Phong BRDF.