glows_hub v3.1

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Contributor: Philippe HUBERDEAU
Performs brights and darks glows as well as lightwrap in one handy tool with loads of parameters.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
30 Nov 2012

There are 5 modes available

1 - Bright Glows

2 - Bright & Dark Glows

3 - LightWrap

4 - Merge Under

5 - Output only Bright Pass

-1- Performs simple Bright Glows but with some handy parameters.

- First use "view threshold" tickbox to finetune from which luminance the glow shines.

- "Soft Mix" : mix between Screen and Plus blend.

- "Post Gain" : Used to boost the effect but it can also be used to add a global tint.

- "Thin Glow" : Usually 2 glows gives better results. (because the light behaves not linearly)

So the main one is a big one and the second is a thin one.

-2- Enables Dark Glows with some same parameters as the Bright ones.

- There are extra options to avoid that the darks darken the super brights. (Because it hasn't to)

-3- Performs a LightWrap with all Brights Glows options available (2 different size glows, threshold options)

- Of course it has sense only for RGBA sources, and assume to be premultiplied

- The input "glow_source" has to be connected to the background plate (which will be comped under)

-4- Same as -1- but the glow is comped under the source.

- So the source must have an alpha, and is assumed to be premultiplied.

-5- Same as -1- but the glow is NOT comped on the source.

- All inputs are optionals except SOURCE of course.

- "Brights Mask" allow to restrict the brights glow source areas. It is not masking, which is quiet useless.

- "Darks Mask" i think you've understood ...

- "Glow Source" allow to choose an alternate image to generate the glow. Especially for the LightWrap but for example you can use a quick comp as" Glow_Source" and then processing brightGlow and darkGlow on a RGBA source.


glows hub tab1

glows hub tab2

glows hub tab3

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0 # Jeremy Nguyen 2013-04-19 03:34
Hi and thank you for this gizmo, I'm testing it to magnify some hologram works and it works perfectly. I would like to have some noise or pertubation effects but it's already a pretty good thing.
0 # Philippe HUBERDEAU 2013-04-19 04:03
Thanks for the kind words. For some noise and perturbation you should take look at iblur_hub that has some noise effects to mimic glint.
0 # Paul Laverack 2014-04-30 15:19
Fantastic, thank you so much.
0 # jean pascal princiaux 2016-05-11 13:44
Merci Philippe, je vais pouvoir affiner...
jean pascal
(gobelins 2013)
0 # Johannus Johansen 2016-08-31 22:09
You totally rock! And I don't have to convert it to a group.

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