7.46 Kb
pull the rgb edges of an image outwards based on it's a control channel.
2.12 Kb
Simple edge generation tool based on dilating and eroding the alpha channel
1.63 Kb
Works very much like the Photoshop version.
2.20 Kb
Creates a edge matte with blur, based on an existing alpha channel.
7.03 Kb
Quick and dirty lens aberration gizmo, use as a starting point to create more true to life lens simulations.
13.87 Kb
Yet another volumetric light gizmo for Nuke
4.06 Kb
Apply optical 'glare' to cg images based on a photographic HDR image. Version 1.1 is identical to v1.0, but saved with a .gizmo extension.
12.76 Kb
A fast (FFT-based) approximation of brute force environment map convolution using a Phong BRDF.