ChannelReBuild v1.0

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Contributor: Daniel Gonzalez S
Rebuild existing color Channel o Channels that come with undesired aberrations, offests, bad pixels, etc.
6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
27 Nov 2012


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0 # Andei Antonuk 2012-11-27 16:11
can you add invert function to your gizmo. Invert must add original abberation.
0 # Daniel Gonzalez S 2012-11-27 16:28
Hi Andei,

I would suggest using a different tool to try to replicate the original aberration (I believe there are several in nukepedia ) or do it yourself by offsetting channels with transforms or warps. Since this tool doesn't offeset pixels in XY. Its basically using a Division Multiplication approach to convert a a bad channel into a newone based of one thats "good".

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