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mScatterGeo supports scattering on geo's vertices, faces and density map in nuke. 2 rotation types availble, 'look At' and 'normals' . Variation of size, rotation, texture and instance geo can be set.

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Covert 'camera tracking' to 'object tracking'

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You can get the transformation data in alembic with this gizmo. This gizmo needs pyAlembic. http://docs.alembic.io/python/index.html

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Generates an axis based on a sampled value of a World Position Pass

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Snap&Move v01 - Snap pivot of any geo to bottom, center, top - Move geometry to any vertex, origin - Option to create a linked transform to use sliders for 3D rotation.

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Instances incoming geometry/particles by generating any number of TransformGeo nodes - ala Houdini's CopySop or Maya's Duplicate Special

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Converts any 3D render into mirror reflects the whole environment of any shot using the normals pass only.

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PworldToTrack Gizmo Use : - Extract quick 2d tracks from PWORLD pass for CG elements. - Extract Roto, Tracker or Cornerpin Nodes with baked animation.

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PworldToTrack Gizmo Use : - Extract quick 2d tracks from PWORLD pass for CG elements. - Extract Roto, Tracker or Cornerpin Nodes with baked animation.

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A neat little Nuke gizmo for creating noise from your position pass. You can add noise into 3 separate channels (RGB) so you can have 3 separate noise profiles for maximum flexibility.