5.19 Kb
Pick points in viewer and extract a 3D matte based on its position data or normal direction.

4.33 Kb
Transforms position and normal passes between camera and world space.

2.90 Kb
Camera that apart from the matrix also has the Projection tab with the values from the upstream Camera that it's connected to.

31.49 Kb
Manage your uvs and export it, especially when you have all of them in different coordinates. It is very useful when you need to find where is your uv desired if you use the position mask option. Export the uvs prepared for render and projections, taking all the range, only the coordinates where you have uvs, or only one uv.

23.75 Kb
Render a pref pass with your geo and cam inside nuke.

13.26 Kb
The magic of the Reconcile3D in one gizmo

30.54 Kb
Finding position in 3D space based on Geometry,World position pass, Deep or manual method. Reconcile 3D position to CornerPin, Transform and Roto nodes.

30.87 Kb
Using the Environment reflection to create reflection reacting on the camera and reflected object movement and reflecting other objects in the scene

77.58 Kb
Simple Translucency (fake SSS) shader.