9.39 Kb
Gizmo to generate tracks out of Nuke's native point cloud or any geometry by sampling values from the viewer.

10.26 Kb
A tool for creating fake volumetric smoke in Nuke.

19.19 Kb
Project a texture onto the rest position pass of rendered CG elements. Will stick to animation.

14.45 Kb
For use with Mads Hagbarth's point render collection of tools. Allows you to project a texture onto the point cloud (useful for live action work).

29.12 Kb
Allows the user to project an image onto a card with full rotation control much faster than using a full scanlineRender 3d setup with the ability to adjust rotoshapes and such after the transform has been applied. Requires NumPy.

3.73 Kb
Computes the inverse 4x4 transformation matrix for 3D objects in nuke using tcl for speed.

42.68 Kb
S_Volume_ is a 2.5D card based volume box generator that takes a read node as it's input. The gizmo outputs a scene node that can be plugged into a scanline renderer. You can also set random rotation / scaling parameters and noise based distortion that can be developed using parameters in the UI.