7.71 Kb
Project a texture based on a position data.
42.68 Kb
S_Volume_ is a 2.5D card based volume box generator that takes a read node as it's input. The gizmo outputs a scene node that can be plugged into a scanline renderer. You can also set random rotation / scaling parameters and noise based distortion that can be developed using parameters in the UI.
19.19 Kb
Project a texture onto the rest position pass of rendered CG elements. Will stick to animation.
11.20 Kb
Unify all the 3D transformation nodes into one single coordinate value. Snap vertex supported animation, shifted pivot, and able to export translation and rotation.
4.09 Kb
Camera, scene, lights, scanline render, axis, card & transform geo nodes ready to go!
13.29 Kb
Initial intention of 'Origami' is a *just for fun* tool. Since the tool involved many setup. Then I start to build it for practical usage. It helps to build geo patch for scatter objects or form a new UV, re-build a messy wireframe photoscan geo, clone a high-end geo to low-end geo for patch or 3D reference, and also able to create interact animation. v1.2 added tangent for geo smoothness.
112.19 Kb
Simplify the roto of non-organic objects, 3D stabilizing and reversing the stabilization in one go.
5.77 Kb
Converts any 3D render into mirror reflects the whole environment of any shot using the normals pass only.
92.05 Kb
A basic 3D bird with flap and texture control built in Nuke