avTranslucency v1.0

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Contributor: Alexey Vaitvud
Simple Translucency (fake SSS) shader.
12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5, 10 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
11 Nov 2020

It's a translucency (simple SSS) shader with a phase function parameter that lets you render 3D models in Nuke. 

It also has an additional Phong Shader option build in.

Introductory video: https://vimeo.com/alexeyvaitvud/avtranslucency 

If you want to hear of the updates to this tool: https://mailchi.mp/dc210817e9b6/nuke-tools-updates


 avTranslucency preview

2020-11-10 19-38-282020-11-10 19-38-45

2020-11-10 19-38-592020-11-10 19-39-13

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0 # bin zhuang 2020-11-12 09:39

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