Filter RSS
3.87 Kb
Compute normal based on luminance value.
8.83 Kb
Emulation of the diffusion of Tiffen Black Pro Mist filters.
833.80 Kb
Automatic Lens Flare filter based on image content.
10.16 Kb
a gizmo that you can blur or defocus image by a radial mask.You can define mask shape as well.
3.17 Kb
Distorts the image to create a heat effect. An alpha channel can be piped in, too. Good to enhance fire effects or to create an underwater effect with blue/cyan color correction and a slower frequency.
7.63 Kb
Rebuild existing color Channel o Channels that come with undesired aberrations, offests, bad pixels, etc.
2.99 Kb
It cleans the artifacts on chrominance produced by the ProRes 422 compression. It's useful especially to key greenscreen or bluescreen ProRes footage.
1.33 Kb
Simple vignette that will give you couple of simple and useful controls.
502.55 Kb
Highpass filter - perfect tool for sharpening with less artifacts. Works in the same way as in Photoshop, with a few enhancements in one node.