Soften No Cat v1.0

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Contributor: Daniel Miller
This is a simple soften filter based upon two non-concatenating transforms. setting the sliders to any fractional value between 0 and 1 will allow you to increase or decrease the soften. I find this softening produced by anti-aliasing to be more pleasing than the built-in soften node.
7.0, 6.3 or later
20 Mar 2014

This is a simple soften filter based upon two non-concatenating transforms. setting the sliders to any fractional value between 0 and 1 will allow you to increase or decrease the soften.

I find this softening produced by anti-aliasing to be more pleasing than the built-in soften node. For a future version I would like to add controls for the filter type, but 'cubic' is good for most purposes.


You can add the follwing lines to your file to make this available in the gui:

import nuke

danny = toolbar.addMenu('Danny Gizmos')

danny.addCommand('Soften No Cat', 'nuke.createNode(\'SoftenNoCat\')')

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