360_VR_Projection v1.5

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Contributor: Davide Preite
Project a Lat Long still image or image sequence onto any geometry in the scene
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0 or later
Mac, Windows
04 Apr 2019
This gizmo can project a Lat Long still image or image sequence onto any geometry in the scene.
Version 1.5 
'Origin Rotation' fixed!
Screenshot 2019-04-04 at 02.10.27
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0 # Kerolos Fayez 2019-06-04 20:53
Thanks for the great gizmo and your quick response to "Origin Rotation" the Issues.
0 # Adrian Pueyo 2020-02-26 16:37
This is really cool! Thanks for sharing.
0 # Scheglov Dmitry 2020-08-11 13:33
Thank you for the gizmo! One question - the image gets softer after projection using the same resolution for input and for project settings (8K). What settings can solve it? Thank you!
+1 # Scheglov Dmitry 2020-08-11 13:41
UPDATE: This softening was because C_RayRendereк uses Cubic filter by default, but in gizmo is used Impulse filter (which is technically correct).

So the Impulse filter in C-RayRenderer bring sharpness back.

Hope this helps someday:)

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