Alpha2obj v3.1

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Contributor: Harvey Goodall
Converts the alpha channel to an obj. Useful for creating 3d smoke or text. Only creates geometry where alpha>0. This makes it smaller/faster to handle, and easier to use in 3d space. Enables you to mirror the back to make a solid object
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
10 Jul 2017


fixes a few bugs

places obj in the equivalent geometry as a card (centred at the origin)

Ability to regenerate obj and adjust the depth scale. (Only works if the generated readgeo node is still connected to the gizmo).



Normalises output 

Ability to lower the sample size for increased speed and reduced geometrysize. Useful for creating proxy geometry.

(Defaults to half res - change this to 1 for optimum results)

3dgeo 1




Improved version, with the option to mirror the back of the object.
Also now has proper UV mapping.

Better file handling

Perfect for clouds and smoke.



This is created by request.


It converts an inputted alpha channel to an obj file.

Can handle animated alphas as well.


Where alpha >0 the obj will exist.


You might want to scale the outputted obj to create the right amount of depth.


(Not the most efficient script, but it is V1 after all!)

You must smile and be happy!
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+1 # Lucas Pfaff 2017-07-05 08:28
Ha, I needed something like this literally last week :) great tool, thank you very much!
+1 # Mads Hagbarth Damsbo 2017-07-05 08:51
Very interesting!
0 # Harvey Goodall 2017-07-05 18:56
Not sure if v2 provides better results than v1. I would say v1 is better for text, where as v2 is better for soft items like clouds or smoke.
0 # Frank Rueter 2017-07-05 22:41
brilliant idea!
+1 # Frank Rueter 2017-07-05 22:58
how about an option to only use every nth pixel to create the obj, for smaller (but less accurate) geo?
+1 # Frank Rueter 2017-07-06 02:13
Another nice feature would be to produce normalised scale and 0 the resulting position, so that the resulting obj matches a default card perfectly. that way it's easier to swap out opacity mapped cards with objs as they would just fall into place.
0 # Harvey Goodall 2017-07-06 11:34
I have added the nth pixel option - (really speeds things up when used).
Also normalised the output so that the card is 1 unit across.

Next to do is provide an optional input (a card) so that the output matches the cards geometry.
0 # Frank Rueter 2017-07-06 21:43
nice one, thanks!

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