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Contributor: frank

4.79 Kb

renderable camera geometry

05 Feb 2013
Contributor: vitek

18.57 Kb

Smart, better and faster Reconcile3D node.

10 Mar 2013
Contributor: fpaeper

1.34 Kb

This is a pretty handy gizmo to measure the distance between two 3D objects whether its an axis, camera or geometry. Originally built to control focus plane in 2d DOF or the cameras focus point with an axis! enjoy. fp

25 Mar 2013
Contributor: stephenwong

3.89 Kb

The SW_CameraShake3D gizmo is a Camera node with a 'CameraShake' tab that allows you to adjust the amplitude, rotation, frequency and octave in 3D space.

20 Oct 2013
Contributor: taranis

2.52 Kb

Here is a camera with target simpler than the previous version. The target is included in the default camera and can be easily disable to recover the free camera

30 Mar 2014
Contributor: malu05

4.64 Kb

Turn any Geometry into a pointcloud.

04 Jun 2014
Contributor: chetalvfx

3.46 Kb

Camera Displace Gizmo help you to give depth in your 2D image using z-depth map.

08 Oct 2015
Contributor: masahiro.teraoka

3.97 Kb

Covert 'camera tracking' to 'object tracking'

23 Oct 2014
Contributor: masahiro.teraoka

22.22 Kb

You can get the transformation data in alembic with this gizmo. This gizmo needs pyAlembic. http://docs.alembic.io/python/index.html

02 Nov 2014
Contributor: scottcoates

42.68 Kb

S_Volume_ is a 2.5D card based volume box generator that takes a read node as it's input. The gizmo outputs a scene node that can be plugged into a scanline renderer. You can also set random rotation / scaling parameters and noise based distortion that can be developed using parameters in the UI.

07 Mar 2015
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