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9.74 Kb
eFibonacciGlow is an exponential glow based upon Leonardo Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
12.76 Kb
A fast (FFT-based) approximation of brute force environment map convolution using a Phong BRDF.
18.27 Kb
A more organic glow than Nuke's built-in filter.
9.17 Kb
The big classic Exponential Glow, with iterations dynamic control, quality setting, squeeze value, crop and Mask input. Comp tree optimization.
37.74 Kb
Here's the Backdrop Node you didn't know you needed! Shows border and/or fill, set colors as you wish and fits dynamically to node selection
43.44 Kb
This EZ_Toolset node allows you to make techchecking your edges, mattes and channels a breeze!
1.90 Kb
create soft fallOff basedon your matte channel
43.46 Kb
Alternative to Directional blur. It's Comparatively very fast and Easy to use.