9.74 Kb
eFibonacciGlow is an exponential glow based upon Leonardo Fibonacci sequence of numbers.

12.21 Kb
Exponential glow with advanced knobs and add the glow by separated aov.

12.76 Kb
A fast (FFT-based) approximation of brute force environment map convolution using a Phong BRDF.

18.27 Kb
A more organic glow than Nuke's built-in filter.

9.17 Kb
The big classic Exponential Glow, with iterations dynamic control, quality setting, squeeze value, crop and Mask input. Comp tree optimization.

43.44 Kb
This EZ_Toolset node allows you to make techchecking your edges, mattes and channels a breeze!

1.90 Kb
create soft fallOff basedon your matte channel