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Contributor: joojos_art

4.57 Kb

- easy to use - mask input - blur options for heat distortion

16 Jul 2021
Contributor: Tomas

7.36 Kb

realistic glows and blooming

20 Feb 2014
Contributor: Tomas

18.28 Kb

Create a kaleidoscop effect based on the AE CC_Kaleida with some additional features

02 May 2012
Contributor: scott.chambers

1.63 Kb

Works very much like the Photoshop version.

19 Jan 2011
Contributor: egbert

11.64 Kb

This median filter uses a motion-vector pass to warp the frames before and the frames after to match up with the current one. The median is then taken of those selected frames to reduce flickering in noisy renders or buzzing plates. It works exactly like a 'TemporalMedian', but with the big advantage of ligning up the comparative frames to minimize blending artefacts. 7 frames are max and if you set the frames to 7, three frames before and 3 frames after the current one are considered in the calculation.

24 Jan 2018
Contributor: michael

34.81 Kb

Push rgb pixels outwards from a matte edge.

02 Nov 2010
Contributor: vitek

502.55 Kb

Highpass filter - perfect tool for sharpening with less artifacts. Works in the same way as in Photoshop, with a few enhancements in one node.

10 Mar 2013
Contributor: isak3d

1.33 Kb

Simple vignette that will give you couple of simple and useful controls.

09 Jan 2013
Contributor: florianlorber

24.98 Kb

Virtual Lens is a tool that simulates the effects and defects of light traveling through a lens.

30 Aug 2023
Contributor: vangel

3.39 Kb

Blends the proceeding and the following frames motion-deformed into the actual frame to wipe out grain and GI light-flicker. With adjustable masking for areas with too much difference, minimizing visible artifacts. Should work with Nuke 6.x too.

10 May 2013
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