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4.68 Kb
Removes stray pixels from the alpha channel of your matte
2.04 Kb
Blurs just color information on the image.
2.53 Kb
Use this node to add camera motion blur to an element.
2.91 Kb
The ExponBlur blurs an image with an exponential falloff based upon an alpha.
8.63 Kb
Applies an effect similar to a TV interference
21.52 Kb
2d and depth defocus with optical lens effects
6.65 Kb
Analyze the changing focus values of a plate, and bake out to an animated Defocus node.
8.39 Kb
Matrix Preloaded has a few common 3×3 matrix grids available so you dont have to remember how to create certain custom filters. Some filters apply a filter directly on the image while others are better suited as a matte to drive grades and adjust your image.
2.20 Kb
Creates a edge matte with blur, based on an existing alpha channel.