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Contributor: jgbidwell

3.04 Kb

This gizmo emulates chromatic aberration found in some lenses. Optimized to calculate quickly. * Updated to work with Nuke 12. (May not work 100% with 13) * Current version is a group (instead of a gizmo), so you can use it on the farm.

10 Nov 2022
Contributor: aitor10995

292.95 Kb

aeAnamorphic is a simple way to give a realistic anamorphic look to your compositions with real distortion charts and automatic breathing.

06 Apr 2022
Contributor: aitor10995

14.96 Kb

It's a gizmo to break your shapes in an organic and fast way, automatically or with all kinds of controls.

09 Apr 2022
Contributor: aitor10995

12.39 Kb

Fill in the track marks or elements that you want to erase from the plate without losing the detail of the surface, powerer by blink script. I included the option of rescue all the surface detail, also you can rescue the highlights of the surface. If it's necessari you can ofset the surface detail if you want to keep the ditail but the original detail makes appear the clean up.

09 Apr 2022
Contributor: aitor10995

9.54 Kb

Add motion blur to your shots, either by generating motion vectors from footage or by creating a custom one. By Aitor Echeveste.

04 Aug 2021
Contributor: aitor10995

20.94 Kb

It is a gizmo that will allow you to create a refraction effect directly from nuke, using a geometry and a camera. It allows you to simulate different optical effects to achieve a result similar to glass. By Aitor Echeveste

09 Apr 2022
Contributor: laze626

2.08 Kb

A quick gizmo that uses a matrix blur and a 1 frame blend to help reduce some noise/aliasing

30 Jul 2019
Contributor: fynnay

5.34 Kb

Fast & precise eroding of alpha channel

11 Sep 2021
Contributor: mort4u

3.12 Kb

This is a little Gizmo i build based on an old Shake Toolset. It gives you full control over the edges of your Alpha Channel. You can extend the inner and outer edges, with full control over gain, individual and full blur, erode and the output. It's easy to use and helped me a lot in the past years while enhancing Green-/Bluescreen comps but also on CG integration. Enjoy!

11 May 2016
Contributor: Josh Paul

1.37 Kb

This helps us use 'VectorBlur' node for matching motion blur according to our required direction of motion blur with knob 'angle'.

15 Dec 2023
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