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3.97 Kb
UV PAINT is a tool that translates the UV informations from a UV map directly into the xy space in the frame, in real time. Painting directly on the UV map you get the current strokes translated into the xy 2D space. In this way you can create a precise roto that will match the strokes on the UV map.
3.75 Kb
simple node which create vignette with some basic controls.
261.44 Kb
This Gizmo/Toolset will generate a Voronoi using only expression nodes. I made this so people can use Voronoi maps on Nuke Indie/Non-commercial without Blinkscript.
11.74 Kb
The X-Rite ColorChecker Classic 2005 - 2014 - GretagMacbeth
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With this Gizmo you will be able to create lightning and electricity effects. Electric arcs will be procedurally created between two points.