voronoi_naive v1.0
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Contributor: Magno Borgo
This Gizmo/Toolset will generate a Voronoi using only expression nodes.
I made this so people can use Voronoi maps on Nuke Indie/Non-commercial without Blinkscript.
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11 or later
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11 or later
09 Jan 2023
This Gizmo/Toolset will generate a Voronoi using only expression nodes.
I made this so people can use Voronoi maps on Nuke Indie/Non-commercial without Blinkscript.
The node itself wont run on Nuke Indie/NC because it need to generate a lot of nodes, but someone else can run it for you on regular Nuke and send as toolset.
I've included a pack of pre-generated Voronois with 15 and 20 grid sizes.
I was not able to generate Voronois bigger than size 20, nuke simply hangs... it's probably way too many nodes to create on a single script run.
Dont expect it to be fast... its a bruteforce approach.
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Can I please include it in the next update of the Expression Node Collection?
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