3.18 Kb
This gizmo generates 4 cornerpin controlled color gradient, which is automatically generated from colors of the pixels which this is applied to. Helps you create a quick color patch over small or large areas of the shot.
4.18 Kb
A simple gizmo to assisit with checking your roto
259.68 Kb
Quickly check your roto and mattes with instant test environments
3.81 Kb
Roto gizmo with simplified interface
1.27 Kb
This Gizmo allow you to make rotoscoping outlines easily for your breakdown.
7.95 Kb
Reformat Roto & RotoPaint node's vector data without resolution issue. Keep the same result on any paint strokes. Support all kinds of splines, brushes and aspect ratio reformat.
11.14 Kb
The ScannedGrain node rebuilt from scratch. Lean and powerful with lots of features.
44.42 Kb
A collection of cutout screen mattes for holding out screen inserts.
24.63 Kb
The shapeArray Gizmo is designed to create a array of mathematical shapes.
3.15 Kb
A smarter, easier to adjust version of the default Rectangle node.