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14.73 Kb
'MultiShape2D' is designed to create customizable shapes, made from some complex expressions.
11.94 Kb
This node generates procedural bokeh. It offers basic commands like the number of blades, max defocus size.... But also, some more additional element to texture your frame and match the live action bokeh.
7.95 Kb
Reformat Roto & RotoPaint node's vector data without resolution issue. Keep the same result on any paint strokes. Support all kinds of splines, brushes and aspect ratio reformat.
57.80 Kb
This gizmo has endless possibilities with your creativity! You can create any kinds of snowflake shapes!
1.27 Kb
This Gizmo allow you to make rotoscoping outlines easily for your breakdown.
11.74 Kb
The X-Rite ColorChecker Classic 2005 - 2014 - GretagMacbeth
2.19 Kb
This gizmo is created inspired by Flow box roto tool. Instead of creating roto and animating, one can draw a quick outline of a subject and it will create a solid roto for you. Very useful and timing saving tool. Feedback are highly appreciated
11.14 Kb
The ScannedGrain node rebuilt from scratch. Lean and powerful with lots of features.