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ekaGradient is the equivalent of Photoshop’s color gradient or Colorama in After Effects, something I’ve always missed working with Nuke. It can be used by creating a color gradient to change the image, as well as it can be used for other uses such as keying.

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**updated version 2.2** Now has additional controls for format and you can now control the intensity of the false colour effect. 'False Color' or 'Helper' filters (similar to those used in photoshop) to help match plates colour, luminosity and saturation. Place after final merge then grades target upstream using the helper filters to match colour, tone and value.

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Matches colors of two input images or neutralizes to a reference colorspace target using one of the common color charts (eg. MacBeth ColorChecker)

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EdgeGrade allows you to grade and control the edge of an input element in a quick and intuitive way.

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This Tools is Created following Common 2 grade Technique. Just Select your CG Black and White Point & other side Select your Footage Black Point and White point. This Gizmo automatic share all the lighting information from Background to Foreground.

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simple gizmo series (sg) by andre hue rotation in nuke that work like hue rotation in photoshop. works well to aid in boosting color, change color or dramatically change color of some subjects hope it will assist you as well as it has assisted me, feel free to contact me regarding of issues, cheers

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Absolute Luminance Calibration of Panoramic HDRI Images & Analytical Light Sources Creation