Panoramic HDRI - Absolute Luminance Calibration v2.1

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Contributor: Thomas Mansencal
Absolute Luminance Calibration of Panoramic HDRI Images & Analytical Light Sources Creation
12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
27 Feb 2020

 - February 27, 2020


Panoramic HDRI - Absolute Luminance Calibration 

This file defines two Gizmos / Groups:

- Panoramic HDRI - Absolute Luminance Calibration: Performs absolute luminance calibration of panoramic HDRI images using Lagarde (2016) method.
- Panoramic HDRI - Analytic Light Source: Computes the illuminance value for an analytic light source accounting for the illuminance difference between two panoramic HDRI images and the light source position in the image using Lagarde (2016) method.

Note that the Panoramic HDRI - Analytic Light Source Gizmo / Group currently uses two hard copies of the Panoramic HDRI - Absolute Luminance Calibration Group, it is strongly advised to replace them with the Gizmo variant in the context of a studio deployment.

Latest version of the file will always be available at this url:

A workflow example file is available at this url:

[1] Lagarde, S., Lachambre, S., & Jover, C. (2016). An Artist-Friendly Workflow for Panoramic HDRI. Retrieved from

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