mmColorTarget v3.1
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Useful Nukepedia Tool #8. Explore this video:
- Make sure you have Numpy installed, compatible and accessible with your Nuke version. (see Blogpost with additional Information )
- Plug two images showing a MacBeth Colorchecker into the source and target inputs.
- Corner Pin the source and target sampler to its corresponding ColorChecker and adjust the sampler Size
- (Switch inputs using the 'currentView' dropdown)
- Hit the 'Calculate Matrix' Button to get the output ColorMatrix.
Change Log:
- FIX: Chromatic adaptation was not performed. This caused the reference values to be slightly off for colorspaces with non-D65 whitepoints. An updated JSON file with additional data is provided that is required for this fix.
- BREAKING: Using colorspace transforms to retrieve the reference values instead of the hardcoded patch values. This allows easier addition of future colorcharts by only adding their sRGB reference values. This change will deprecate the use of the mmColorTarget_colorspaces.json file and will start using mmColorTarget_colorspace_transforms.json instead.
- Support for colorcharts:
- ColorChecker24 - Before November 2014 (ColorChecker2005)
- ColorChecker24 - After November 2014
- SpyderCHECKR 24
- ColorChecker Passport Video
- Python 3 support
- Added normalization option
- More intutive UI with callbacks
- Fixed a problem introduced in Nuke 9.0v8 that broke the entire functionality
- The reference target now comes with a dynamic colorspace selection instead of fixed sRGB Values. (generously provided by Thomas Mansencal at
- Additional sampling method 'no clip' (EXPERIMENTAL!)
- More stability due to no more expression-based-sampling in the background
Tested successfully on Windows 7/10 (Nuke 7-9) and CentOS 6/7/8 (Nuke 7-13)
Mac Users: The Gizmo should also work on Mac, but you need to find/compile a compatible version of numpy yourself, since i don't have a Mac. Check the UNT Video for an example installation.
the other way would be to add the following to your file:
import sys
sys.path.append("/Library/Pytho n/2.7/site-pack ages")
It's still possible that you'll get an error if the compiler version doesn't match, which is the point where i can't help any further, since I didn't get enough feedback from Mac users yet. But it should at least find the module now and tell you what's going on.
I hope it helps, and please share your information if you suceeed.
I've found the NumPy installer (1.6.1) for Python 2.7 for Mac. I'm running a mac osx 10.6.3 with NukeX 8.0.3.
It works fine with osx 10.6
I've checked in the OSx command line if the package got installed and yes, it worked and found all the files
I found the folders inside "/Library/Pytho n/2.7/site-pack ages" and copied to: .nuke/Framework s/Python.framew ork/Versions/2, 7/lib/python2.7 /site-packages" I'v copied there the numpy folder.
When I load the gizmo, it works well but when I try to calculate the matrix there it appears an error: " .../site-packag es/numpy/core/m no matching architecture in universal wrapper "
I've tried importing with the command but it does not work.
import sys
sys.path.append("/Library/Pytho n/2.7/site-pack ages")
Is there any way I can fix it??or I'm doing something wrong..?
I would appreciate any help.
Thanks Marco and amazing gizmo!
- Guillem R.
You might wanna check any of those solutions:
Have you already tried any of the official installers for osx10.6? For example:
Providing google help is really the best i can do right now :(
Very thanks Marco! I've been searching for this for a long time!
I'm the first Mac user to get this working??
I've just added the new site-packages created on the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Never underestimate google help
Thanks again!!
Well you're not necessarily the first Mac user ever to get it working, but you sure are the first to give me some positive feedback.
So thanks a lot for sharing!
Could you give us a tip for work with spydercheckr 24 without hide 2 rows ( it are inverted in this color card)
Thank you!!
1. It does not manage levels well - I would look at adding an exposure, levels, or some other way of balancing brightness before applying the chart. I fixed that by manually adjusting levels first.
2. It crashes in Nuke 9.0.3. Numpy works in 9 OK - I was able to test it - so something else isn't working.
Thanks again!
I was running into the same need - I created a new version of the tool that allows chrominance calibration without affecting luminance if you're curious to try it out:
I found this morning the new video. Thanks for making it. I followed along on OS X 10.11.5 with Nuke 10.0v1 Non-Commercial.
I still can't make it work.
The gizmo is coming with a .json file, is that also belonging in the gizmos folder?
When I hit "calculate" I get the following error:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'knob'
Did I install it okay? Is there a way to check inside of Nuke?
And what does this error message means?
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
Daniel (toodee)
you are right, in the normal licensed version it works fine.
It would be nice that the Foundry would actually give the user some hints, that a restriction causing an error in the NON-COM. version.
Current problem is:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'knob'.
It is a Multivariate Linear Regression: and uses tsq:
One thing that seems to have always some discrepancy when comparing different documentations are the RGB values on the Macbeth chart. For example, here on Nukepdia the values used on mmColorTarget tool are different to the ones of V_ColorRenditio nChart... Also different documents seems to have different information on the normalized values of RGB for the same illuminant:
Can anyone expand on this differences and how / where these values of this tool were obtained?
Absolutely :) As explained in the description they were generated by myself, the file that yielded the value is there:
They are based on XRite ColorChecker 2005 values as described here:
Now colour rendition charts are never produced equal, so it is normal to find discrepancies between them, not only that but there are also differences in the various RGB colourspaces / whitepoints values depending where you source your data.
This reminds me that I should regenerate the Notebook/JSON file with the latest values content from Colour.
Have it working in Nuke 10.5 in Windows 7 at work, I got the numpy build from the link in Marco's blog above
It drops in just fine and functions well. When I save and open the script again i get a slew of "no such knob" errors and the property window looks like an empty node. Any ideas?
Please do you know what could be the problem?
thank you for this very useful tool.
Is there any way to keep the lumincance untouched? Often I would like to just get it neutrlized without the patches hitting absoloute value (like .18 for middle grey).
Usualy I am going with the "no clip" choice instead of direct, because the direct mode tend to do funky stuff to overbrights. Is this recommended?
thank you for this very useful tool.
Is there any way to keep the lumincance untouched? Often I would like to just get it neutrlized without the patches hitting absoloute value (like .18 for middle grey).
Usualy I am going with the "no clip" choice instead of direct, because the direct mode tend to do funky stuff to overbrights. Is this recommended?
I've been struggle trying to make it work on windows.
Theres is a step by step installation for this OS?
I just installed gizmo, phyton, numpy; modify
I can bring the node but can't calculate matrix because it says: This gizmo requires the Python module 'NumPy'.Please install it first and make sure Nuke can import it.
But it is installed.
Any help please?
Thanks before hand.
into your ".nuke" directory?
Thanks sir!!!
Finally I stumbled with a very useful post that helped me to make it work in a easy way
Quoting dapoer vfx:
This is a trick:
1.Install las Houdini Version
2. Go to: C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdin i 17.5.293\python27\lib\site-packages
3.Copy all content to: C:\Program Files\Nuke10.0v3\pythonextensions\site-packages
4. WhOA LA!!
Thanks to:
Hope it helps!
Same situation here..! Tried on Win 10. I hope someone else here can give solution. Thanks
WHOOO...HOOOOOO ..Thank a tons ..Obrigadooo... Rodrigo !! ...Works like a champ !!
It was long overdue but I have updated the JSON file to use the "ColorChecker24 - After November 2014" formulation: and the notebook to generate those is here:
It's great to see that you are keeping this project alive! It's great, thanks again! :)
Now to a question. We've run into plates shot with the "new" ColorChecker Passport Video edition, that obviously doesn't work with the current version. Any plans on making it compatible with this color checker version as well since it seems to be used more and more?
You are the second person this week to ask me about the ColorChecker Passport Video! So I haven't spent too long looking for them, but I could not find the colour specification for the samples.
That being said, one issue I see with that particular model is that it is extremely biased toward grays and skin tones which will be detrimental to all other colours if you were to do a 3x3 matrix-based colour correction.
Technically, when captured under uncontrolled lighting conditions, colour checkers should only be used to perform white balance, the reference colours are assuming a particular illuminant, e.g. D65 and if you were correcting a shot lit with tungsten, you would most likely do worse than good.
We have received the full colour specifications for the ColorChecker Passport Video directly from X-Rite. Would you be interested in having a look at them, and see what you could do with them at all? Or is that not interesting to you because of what you stated above?
Cheers, David
I don't have any objections to generate the data however what are the usage conditions for that X-Rite data?
We should probably continue that convo via Email anyway :)
Hi, I've done everything to make the gizmo work with nuke 12.0 v4
I have downloaded numpy from this link
and I copied it C: \ Program Files \ Nuke12.0v4 \ pythonextension s \ site-packages
but at the time of calculating matrix
I get a message that says
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'knob'
Hi, I've done everything to make the gizmo work with nuke 12.0 v4
I have downloaded numpy from this link
and I copied it C: \ Program Files \ Nuke12.0v4 \ pythonextension s \ site-packages
but at the time of calculating matrix
I get a message that says
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'knob'
Thanks to some help from @Thomas, I have found that the version of Numpy that ships with Houdini is compatible with Nuke 12.2v4 (macOS). Previously the Apple shipped Numpy worked fine with Nuke 11.
If anyone could just say the complete workflow to install this good script correctly, it would be awesome!
Thanks a lot.
I think you need to have "numpy" library in your .nuke folder.
I can't have correct values in ACES workflow.
It contains some additional features so it requires some more testing, so please bear with me ;)
I'm getting a numpy error.
I have recently updated the installation instructions on my website. Make sure you try using the python3 numpy that comes with one of the houdini-py3 installers.
here is the error I get. I install the latest houdini and copied the numpy and then added to nuke.
I will have to check to see if the Houdini version I have has python 3. Do you know a Houdini version that has that?
Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy.
If you're working with a numpy git repo, try `git clean -xdf` (removes all
files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy.
Original error was: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I tried to install numpy on nuke... but in each time i have a new error.
My protocol :
- I installed anaconda to install numpy with the good version of python (3.7.11 MSC v1916) My nuke is v13 (Py v 3.7.7 MSC v1916)
- Next, i've copy the "numpy" folder in anacaonda environnement to nuke in pythonextension s/packages
- When i try in nuke "import numpy" i've this error : DLL Load failed...
Can you help me ?
First I've to thank you for this great tool ! It's been a pleasure seeing that you continue updating it !
____numpy from Houdini_____
The houdini method works like a charm and it is the easiest method for me as my knowledge on python is limited .
Just to have every comment concentrated for everyone
You have to go to the houdini download page and in the end there is a link for the Production Builds . Press that and you will see all the 'recent' versions
Now on the top there is a series of buttons . press what is going to work for your Nuke release . python3 or python2 .
Download ->Install -> copy the numpy folder from your Hoodini installation , to a backup folder for safe keeping.
There are two ways of installation .
First one if you are using only versions greater than 13 (py3) or lower than 12 (py2)
For this you can copy numpy in to your .../"user name"/.nuke .
Easy stuff , fire and forget kind of thing .
Second one , If you need to have mixed py2 py3 nuke versions on your system you have to add it on each nuke installation folder
as an example for windows
C:\Program Files\Nuke1x.xvx\pythonextensions\site-packages\numpy
And again so many thanks for your time spend on this tool and everybody that provided all the extra info !
This is a incredible tool, thanks Marco Meyer for sharing with us!
So, we have upgraded to Nuke 14.0 and numpy stopped working, and after some googling, I have found a very pratical way to get an updated version of numpy. I have followed this tutorial and everything is working fine now in Nuke 14:
After installing the numpy extesion it will be at this folder:
You will just need to copy the numpy folder to nuke pythonextension s folder:
C:\Program Files\Nuke1x.xvx\pythonextension s\site-packages\numpy
Hope it is usefull,
Rodrigo E.
Please install it first and make sure Nuke can import it.
Hello! Why it always shows even I followed the step how to copy and paste it.
Please install it first and make sure Nuke can import it.
Hello! Why it always shows even I followed the step how to copy and paste it.
# Result: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:/Users/MyNam e/.nuke\numpy\_", line 128, in
from version import git_revision as __git_revision__
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'version'
Unfortunately I have no idea about Python and don't know how to solve the problem. I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me. Im on a windows machine and Im running Nuke 13.0v5
I think the Numpy version is 1.7.1 (697316a867a32e 9f72778a29226c9 febbf867ee8) but I also tried the latest version to no avail
py -m pip install numpy
py -m pip install pandas
then copying the following folders from the python3.9 site-packages folder into nuke's pythonextension s/site-library folder:
Seems to work well in nuke14 after that.
I am on Nuke 14v4 and have used the numpy file from Houdini 19.5.682 and placed it below please see attached pictures I also run install numpy in the script editor and get this back and this is the error I get in nuke please see below:
Hope someone can help,
Many thanks.
No luck in successfully using it on the Nuke 15 version on Mac.
First, you need to install Python 3.10.10 on your machine. You can download the 64-bit installer on the official site :
When you install it make sure you check the box that adds python as a PATH (windows).
Run your terminal (cmd)
If you want to make sure your installation of python went well you can write:
Windows : python --version
Mac : python3 --version
You should see : Python 3.10.10
Then write:
Windows : py -m pip install numpy
Mac : python3 -m pip install numpy
Once it's installed you should copy the folder numpy from
Windows : c:\users\YOURNAME\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages
Mac : /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Windows : c:\programfiles\nuke15.0vX\plugins\
Mac : /Applications/Nuke15.0vX/
It worked for me after that. You should be able to uninstall python on your machine if you want since Nuke has python already installed.
I did the same and still had an error message.
I found a way to fix it. I copied not only numpy folder from c:\users\YOURNA ME\appdata\loca l\programs\pyth on\python310\li b\site-packages but also two folders: numpy-1.26.4.di st-info and numpy.libs
As a result in c:\programfiles \nuke15.0vX\plu gins\ I have three copied folders:
numpy-1.26.4.di st-info
With this setup mmColorTarget works for me
im on nuke 15. not working here
The numpy from Houdini 20 is the correct version to use. Install the apprentice free version and copy the numpy from:
C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdin i 20.0.625\python310\lib\site-packages\
C:\Program Files\Nuke15.0v 4\plugins
Try pip in NUKE program folder instead;
/Applications/Nuke15.0v4/ -m pip install numpy
Windows (Command Prompt)
> C:\Program Files\Nuke15.0v 4\python.exe" -m pip install numpy
Install correct version of numpy for nuke.
Use pip show option to confirm where the numpy had been installed:
/Applications/Nuke15.0v4/ -m pip show numpy
Location: /Applications/N uke15.0v4/Nuke1 nts/Frameworks/ Python.framewor k/Versions/3.10 /lib/python3.10 /site-packages
sorry, Windows command was wrong! python.exe must be used insetead of py.exe. py.exe calls python command in windows system.
Please install it first and make sure Nuke can import it.
Nuke 15.1v3, mmColorTarget 3.1, Linux (EL9), numpy 1.26 for python 3.10
If there seems to be an issue you should post your full configuration as well. That way it's easier to track down what might be going wrong on your side. There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together to make this tool work, unfortunately. Error Messages help, too.
to: C:\Program Files\Nuke15.1v3\pythonextensions\site-packages
Is this correct?
When I type 'import numpy' in the script editor in Nuke it gives me an error message.
Windows 11
Windows (Command Prompt)
> C:\Program Files\Nuke15.1v 1\python.exe" -m pip install numpy
# this will work for -Nuke15.1v3
I am getting this error on Nuke 10x, what could it be?
target_CornerPin2D.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
target_Reformat.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
source_CornerPin2D.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
source_Reformat.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D19.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D20.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D21.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D22.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D23.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D24.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D16.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D15.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D14.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D13.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D18.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D17.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D10.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D9.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D8.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D7.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D12.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D11.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D6.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D5.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D4.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D3.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D2.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
CornerPin2D1.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
target_CornerPin2D2.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
source_CornerPin2D2.filter: Bad value for filter : impulse
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