21.78 Kb
Get 2D and 3D positional data automatically from a tracked plate.
92.05 Kb
A basic 3D bird with flap and texture control built in Nuke
94.73 Kb
Using Position, depth or deep data to convert screen space mesh. Since pointcloud is pixel base 3D coordinate data, and it changes on every frame. So SSMesh helps to convert those data to vector data and process any vector tools.
13.54 Kb
Snap&Move v01 - Snap pivot of any geo to bottom, center, top - Move geometry to any vertex, origin - Option to create a linked transform to use sliders for 3D rotation.
172.12 Kb
Extract and manipulate easily the UV in Nuke
4.02 Kb
mirrors an input geometry based on a card (like a mirror plane)
5.30 Kb
Project a Lat Long still image or image sequence onto any geometry in the scene
6.83 Kb
W_SuperNormal generates a surface angle based matte using Normal AOV with a simple picking method and intuitive horizontal/vertical manual rotations.
3.89 Kb
This Gizmo let's you do camera projections in few clicks.