Keyer RSS
124.48 Kb
Create multiple 3D masks via Position/Pref & Normal data, with a variety of shapes
2.72 Kb
Based on the IBK stacking technique shown in Tony Lyons keying tutorials -
4.92 Kb
The Simplest way to create clean plate for any green or blue screen without causing a heavy script.
11.75 Kb
Screen cleaner which removes folds or soft shadows on green/blue screens which may disturb your keying.
8.92 Kb
A 2D keyer that plots chroma information as a point cloud on the x and y axis. Allows the user the draw a roto shape around the pixels they want to key. Tested in Nuke 11.x but should be functional in any versions of Nuke which have BlinkScript. Video tutorial for the PointCloudKeyer: For more information read about this node on my blog:
25.70 Kb
Gizmo that generates mask from point position pass. It has offset, rotate, non-uniform spread parameters and ability to generate cube or sphere. This new version has curve to control the shape of the gradient/feather as well as modify the spread according to the negative or positive values. (see animated gif)
6.85 Kb
sort of photoshop like "Selective Color". (red green blue cyan magenta yellow)
4.45 Kb
Create sphere and cube-shaped mattes from an image with position data.