Keyer RSS
12.48 Kb
Erodes/Expands rgb edges of keyed image image to get rid of unwanted outlines. Includes fine tuning for edge treatment. Based on Frank Rueter's Edge Extend.
12.48 Kb
This Gizmo Helps to pop out the white edge while keying...
5.25 Kb
Spill suppress with additional control
24.06 Kb
Despill node based of Keylight's algorithm. It uses Comp Lair's (Pedro Andrade) technique for colour and BG replacement.
22.61 Kb
handy Despiller with a variety of algorithms, replacement methods and a few other features
13.80 Kb
A simple additive/multiplicative keyer for hair (and other fine detail)
8.92 Kb
Magic key is based on the IBK philosophy but without any alpha. This is like an additive keyer. You can add the desired zones through a merge 'Copy' node. I added a checkbox to get out the Multiply layer as a Rough Alpha channel ^^