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28.49 Kb
Comp QC Toolset/Group to help assist you in passing the tech QC stage of a compositing shot.
2.85 Kb
This gizmo is designed to fix bright spec pixels that are common in the specular render. Added the option to keep the alpha channel if present.
4.95 Kb
Displays Filepath of topmost read node over the image. Useful when viewing sequence contact sheets / matching shots.
5.34 Kb
A neat little Gizmo that takes an input and repeats it 8 times to make cool spiral patterns
1.19 Kb
Creates undistorted UV Map in all available project formats with optional overscan, simple and straight forward
8.73 Kb
generate a simple stroke and you can make it surround around the edge of picture.(Changes according to resolution)
20.96 Kb
A 3D representation of the color cube (3D LUT)
8.07 Kb
filter based filler tool, Its trying to fill in missing information and to extend available information for a full picture estimation. You have 5 useful options for different filling operations like markers, screen dirt, Alpha holes, noise, wires and custom matte filler for whatever you want to cleanup.