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7.24 Kb
generates an image full of dots (up to 4k res) - dotmatrix completly customizable in size, amount and distortion, incl input for an optional image and testgrid for ease of use.
5.42 Kb
project a seamless texture using the 'Point Position' and 'World Normal' render passes available in most 3D rendering engines.
5.31 Kb
Protect copyright of your comps! Add watermark to them
65.48 Kb
A highly advanced tool used for analyzing high quality video.
1.83 Kb
Through this Gizmo you can create Fresnel Matte.
9.30 Kb
N-Point Gradient by Kevin Fisch
18.83 Kb
Generates an UV mapping for a given format
8.67 Kb
Exponential glow using glow node to allow tolerance control, tint, saturation and more.
8.21 Kb
Based on Richard Frazer gizmo (, slightly modified and updated to have more user friendly controls for key framing and uses Kronos instead of oflow as the retiming method. Can be used to patch areas obstructed by objects, requires at least two 'clean frames' for an area. Very useful for dealing with organic objects and minor parallax in patches.