Match Rack Focus v1.0
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8.0 or later
Designed to analyze the animating focus values of a plate. Simply provide a stabilized input, the frame that's most in focus, and the frame that's the most out of focus.
• First, run the analysis. (It's strongly recommended to mask out the defocusing area. Denoising and stabilizing the footage also helps.)
• Scrub through and find the sharpest frame you can, then hit USE CURRENT FRAME under FOCUSED FRAME.
• Likewise, find the most defocused frame you can, and hit USE CURRENT FRAME under DEFOCUSED FRAME.
• MULTIPLY and LIFT are supplied for user control. LIFT should be increased if your plate is never fully in focus. MULTIPLY will scale the overall effect.
• Hitting BAKE will take the resulting curve and bake it to keyframes. This animation is then applied to a newly created Defocus node. From here, the curve can be tweaked as desired.
(Note: After analysis, this node output operates like a normal defocus. Connect me to your element to preview the effect before baking.)
Known Caveats:
• Results may be inaccurate if mask changes in shape and size throughout shot.
• FG occluding objects will probably create spikes in the analysis. Delete these keyframes once you bake the curve and let it interpolate this section.
• Strong motion blur will skew results, requires manual finesse of resulting curve.
Comments? Questions? Feel free to reach out!
// Tyler Lockard // 2014 // //
To create my animation curve, I'm running the footage through an EdgeDetect and deriving my keyframes from the average intensity data using a CurveTool. From there, we're probably also doing similar things to control the resulting curve, with multiplication expressions and floor/ceiling conditions etc.
It's a pretty messy expression but here's what I got all in all:
(( egrate(frame-2, frame+2)/4-Controller.low)/(Controller.high-Controller.low))*Controller.Multiply+Controller.Lift
Great work!
If needed, the user can copy the resulting animation to the nodes you mentioned, and scale the curve accordingly with that node's behavior.
But I should actually pop a dialog asking what node to create. Good call!
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