53.13 Kb
This tool allows you create and control Geometry Matrix just like Element 3D form Videocopilot in AfterEffects. All infomation, technique will keep in this group for you.
14.81 Kb
This is a easy to use tool for you to create bubbles in your scene, and it is fully 3D.
2.18 Kb
Project latlong or other maps as six 2K cubic tiles onto your scene geometry with this quick setup. Find details in the description.
17.90 Kb
fake volume fog and atmospheric effect for Nuke
4.24 Kb
The same as Project3D but instead of Geo uses Pos pass.
12.58 Kb
Tracks selected vertexes of any geometry in a human way.
3.16 Kb
A good way of controlling a card with 2 Axis.