1.36 Kb
Snap geometries to vertices. add Locometry.py to your .nuke folder add import Locometry to your menu.py
0.82 Kb
Import all the geo contained in a specified folder
7.33 Kb
Creates a panoramic image out of live footage frames (or just simple coverage maps). Needs a moving camera as input.
3.70 Kb
create a Projection Camera connected by expression to the original Camera, and a slider to control the frame from where you are projecting
0.58 Kb
Simply creates a Camera, Scene and ScanlineRender and connects them together ready to go. Thanks to Peter Barnes (SMU)
2.13 Kb
Make a card that is oriented towards the selected camera node, and fit it in its frustum. Can be expression-linked, or placed on one frame.
9.17 Kb
Retime Camera node from OFlow or Kronos node.
1.68 Kb
Project latlong or other maps as six 2K cubic tiles onto your scene geometry with this quick setup.
1.02 Kb
Render your nuke scene as 6 cubic tiles in a efficient fashion